P.I. Tchaikovsky "Old French Song": history, content, video

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky "Old French Song"

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is an outstanding Russian composer, whose work has devoted fans not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. Remarkable is that for many people the love for the music of the genius maestro begins from childhood. This usually happens after young listeners become familiar with the ABC of music, because that's what they call today “Children's Album” - an invaluable work of the great composer, created especially for children. The cycle includes twenty-four charming miniatures, the artistic and pedagogical significance of which is very large. The works included in the collection are immersed in the wonderful world of childhood with its games, fairy tales, exciting activities and, of course, dreams of exciting journeys. As, for example, "Old French Song" introduces us to a distant mysterious country, in which everyone would like to go.

Read about the history of the creation of the piano miniature of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky "Old French Song", as well as its musical content on our page.

History of creation

Immediately it should be emphasized that the history of the collection of piano miniatures "Children's album"written Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1878, and the unusually popular song "The Old French Song" which is included in it is inextricably linked. It should be noted that the creation of an invaluable cycle was preceded by a series of events that occurred in the composer’s personal life. In the summer of 1877, Tchaikovsky committed a reckless act that inflicted heavy mental wounds on him. The whole reason was the marriage of Antonina Milyukova, who turned out to be special, in which the maestro soon became very disappointed.

In order to somehow dispel the constantly haunting heavy thoughts that could lead Peter Ilyich to breakdown, the composer hastily left Russia and set off on a long journey through the countries of Europe. Soon, in order to brighten up his stay in a foreign land, he asked brother Modest to come to Italy together with the deaf-and-dumb boy Kolya Konradi who was wards him. The composer, who excessively loved children, treated the sick child with great warmth. Caring for Kolya, whom Peter Ilyich described as a good-natured and intelligent boy, delivered the composer many pleasant moments that distracted him from his gloomy thoughts. It is important to note that the foster child of Modest was not the only representative of the younger generation who had a beneficial effect on the mental state of Tchaikovsky.

On the streets of sunny Italy, the composer met many children who, earning their livelihood, inspired the performance of folk songs, conquered the heart of the composer. Peter Ilyich’s Florentine boy Vittorio was given special attention. His beautiful voice and soulful singing caused the maestro so much positive emotions that he shared his impressions about this in letters to his friends. Such contact with the world of childhood, causing Tchaikovsky delight and affection, pushed the composer to the idea of ​​creating a cycle of small pieces for children that would help young musicians to develop their creative abilities. As planned by Peter Ilyich, this collection should be like "Album for the Young"- the cycle of piano pieces written Robert Schumann for her beloved daughter Maria. A collection of wonderful piano miniatures created by a German romantic composer, on first acquaintance, Tchaikovsky liked and inspired the idea of ​​composing something similar. Without hesitation for a long time, in February 1878, Peter Ilyich in his message shared this intention with the owner of the music publishing house, Peter Ivanovich Yurgenson, and soon received warm approval.

Upon returning to his homeland, Pyotr Ilyich immediately went to Kamenka, the estate where the younger sister of the composer Alexander Ilyinichna Davydov lived with her husband and children. This place not only inspired Tchaikovsky to create outstanding masterpieces, but also disposed to complete emotional relaxation. However, there was another reason why the heart of the composer burst into Kamenka. These are his seven beloved nieces and nephews, who always looked forward to the arrival of his beloved Uncle Petit as a particularly important event.

Together with the children, he was happy to take walks, participated in games, ran fireworks, arranged dance evenings, and also fascinatingly told them about different countries. Thus, plunging into the bright world of childhood, Peter Ilyich felt completely happy. He did not cheat anyone with his attention and love, but he still felt a special affection for Bobik, so the six-year-old Volodya was affectionately called in the family. Arriving this time, and carefully watching the music lessons of his pet, who wanted to be like the composer's uncle in everything, Tchaikovsky decided to immediately start implementing his idea of ​​creating a cycle of light piano pieces and always with attractive names for children. The composer began working on the works, which included the aforementioned miniature "Old French Song", in the last days of April, and in the sketch version he finished in May. Having carefully edited all the plays, Peter Ilyich sent the collection to the publishing house in July with a note about his dedication to Kolya Davydov. "Children's album. A collection of light pieces for children. Imitation of Schumann" first appeared before young musicians at the end of December 1878.

Content of the work

The composer heard the motive that Peter Ilyich used to compose a sincerely dreamy miniature with the name "Old French Song", during his travels in France. This discreet and noble tune, reminiscent of the minstrels' ballads, was really ancient and was very popular in the 16th century.

"Old French Song" is written in the key of G minor and is enclosed in a simple two-part reprise form that can be displayed in formula I a + a II b + a I. The tempo specified by the composer is Moderato assai (very moderately).

The first part of the composition, sustained in a three-part presentation of the polyphonic warehouse, opens with a "quiet sigh" - an attack. The initial note makes a quart leap on the tonic, and then the theme moves to the dominant stage smoothly, in a gamma-like eighth time. Further, the expressive melody spins around the re note and then returns to the tonic.

In the second part, the gentle and thoughtful nature of the composition changes. Music comes to life, the melodic line loses its smooth movement. Because of the accompaniment of staccato, the theme becomes agitated and even takes on an alarming tone. Its further development leads to a climax (22 cycle). Then calm comes, and in the second sentence of the section the soulful melody of the first part re-sounds.

The main difficulties encountered when learning the play "Old French Song".

  • One of the important tasks facing the young musician in the work on this piece is to learn to beautifully lead the melodic line, to achieve a melodious sound and accordingly a smooth legato.
  • Polyphonic presentation of musical material requires special attention from a novice pianist. He should listen to every voice and make sure that the main melody sounds brighter.
  • A certain difficulty in the play is the accompaniment in the second part. Executable staccato, it should be light, but at the same time quite tenacious.
  • Particular attention in the work on the work should be paid to pedalization, which in this work is very diverse.

"Old French song"often called a masterpiece"Children's album". She really is the most popular and most performed play, and not only from this collection, but also from the whole creative heritage Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The transposition of this work is made for all instruments that are taught in the music school, as the captivating charm of the composition attracts both students and teachers.

Watch the video: P. I. Tchaikovsky - Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35 - Itzhak Perlman (October 2024).

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