At the moment, you can not find a person who does not know what a notebook. In this case, most often these products are used by schoolchildren or students. But It is worth noting that they are no less rarely required in offices. Everyone knows how to use a notebook, it is a good solution for different types of records. In this case, there are different types, so that everyone can choose for themselves the appropriate option.
What parameters should pay attention to when buying?
What are notebooks?
Sheets in them can be lined in a cell or in a ruler. For primary school students, notebooks are also offered in a slanting line, which are designed to develop good handwriting from the student. Less often you can find completely empty sheets. Such options are most often used by people who like to draw, they are most convenient to draw sketches. The size of a sheet of notebook can be different. In this case, A5 format products are the most common, less often - A4 size specimens.
What does a notebook consist of?
It is clear that primarily from the sheets. However, these products may vary in type of production and quality. For example, the proposed options are made like books, that is, the sheets in them are attached directly to the cover. You can also find those in which the canvas is attached to a spiral. They look very attractive, while they are usually more expensive than simple ones. The most common option is to fasten with staples. These products will be universal, besides they are cheaper.What is the notebook for?
It can be used for different purposes, which is why the stores offer options for a different number of sheets. Most often they can be 12, 18, 24, 48, 96. At the same time, the covers offered today are the most diverse: animals, abstractions, inscriptions, landscapes and much more. In addition, the quality of the used sheets is also different, which also affects the cost of these products. Now the best notebook offers an online store.
How to make notebooks?
When creating them, sheets are used which are printed, and then they are folded and then cut. Most often, perpendicular folding is used for addition, after which a product is obtained, the number of sheets in which is a multiple of 4. The manufacture of this product also includes the production of covers. At the same time for copies on 48 and more sheets use more dense covers. Common notebooks can sometimes be hardcoded. This feature greatly increases the duration and ease of use.
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